
Gaining weight is a real problem associated with quitting smoking. Most of those who are reluctant about quitting the cigarette habit take it as the real reason keeping them from quitting. If you are really thinking about how to stop smoking without gaining weight then you may find the following tips of a great help.

The first thing you should do is to replace the cigarette in your hand with another thing that is not calorie-stuffed. In normal cases, people exchange the cigarette in their fingers for a Coke, candy bar or even a hot dog. They might succeed in quitting smoking but, they are adding lots of fats and calories to their bodies. In other words, they are exchanging the threats of smoking by the threats of being obese. Try chewing sugar - free gum, a handful of nuts or drinking a sugar - free natural juice. These are great substitutes for the bad cigarettes as your body can make use of the vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids in these foods instead of gaining pure fat from candy bars and soda cans.

Knowing how to stop smoking without gaining weight is a real help when this is the main reason holding you from quitting. The first thing you need to know is that you are the only person responsible for gaining weight after quitting. Your craving to a cigarette will let you eat or drink the first thing available to your hands so, it is highly advisable to keep some natural and healthy snacks handy. Do not wait until you feel the carving then run to the deli instead, prepare a small salad dish or a natural juice so you can use it when needed.

Combining the cigarette quitting with exercise starting is one of the best methods that will help you with the weight gaining problem. The concept is very easy, when you quit smoking you start eating so, give your body a way to burn that extra "Temporary" calorie - intake. When you start practicing, your body will grow healthier and you will notice that the exercises are easier now and you do not remember the cigarettes any more, it is that simple.

Join gym class so you do not feel lonely and try to find someone who is a fresh quitter. Try to encourage each other and exchange thoughts about how to stop smoking without gaining weight. Looking at the topic from another point of view will give you more thoughts.

The easiest method to know how to stop smoking without gaining weight is to know that these threats of being overweight are the same as those associated with smoking cigarettes or any other type of tobacco. Smoking causes, heart problems, artery problems and nervous system manifestation and obesity causes, heart problems, artery problems, bone problems and generalized fatigue. So, end of the day the threats are the same so, do not quit smoking to be killed with something else instead, learn how to stop smoking without gaining weight.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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