
Dear reader, if you have tried to quit smoking before, going cold Turkey or with the replacement of nicotine, and failed, then using a good hypnosis program is that extra bit of help that will tip the scales in your favor and let you succeed!

Did you know that stopping smoking with hypnosis has a success rate much higher than other methods, and for most people it takes only one session with a hypnotist to stop definitively? Most of us have heard the saying "it's all in your head" before, and this is certainly true for quitting cigarettes. The physical part of craving only lasts between one and two seconds, is the "urge to smoke now!" thoughts that create this desire that usually hang around and lead the person who stopped smoking again, this is where hypnosis gets right to the root of the problem and helps you beat the cravings.

During hypnosis, the person who wants to leave is placed in a State of relaxation of mind through guided imagery and sound, while in this state of relaxation you will be more open to suggestions and the hypnotist or audio program you selected will be implanting ideas on your smoking, such as sound effects of quitting smoking, how much better you will feel, look and smell and how much money it will save.

The best part about quit smoking with hypnosis is that you won't have to go through the first two or three weeks of arrest as a bear with a sore head and a thorn in all four legs! Because through hypnotic suggestion your mind will be thinking the positive points of quit smoking instead of shouting "feed me smoke!", and this greatly reduces the need for constant iron willpower on your part.

Another great advantage of this method we can strengthen your determination to home, this is done by going to place in your home that is as relaxing and put themselves into a State of deep relaxation you can learn from a good hypnosis audio, breathing exercises and again listening to the suggestions of the audio program. If you have already visited a hypnotist before then reinforce at home will double your chances of success. It is also much cheaper than other methods like nicotine replacement.

Now if you want to know more about quitting smoking with hypnosis there is much more information on my site.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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