
When you're looking for tips to stop smoking easy, you should remember that easy and hard are basically in your mind. This is true with almost everything wee need to do, in life.

The thing that makes the difference in the case of ending your nicotine addiction (aka quitting smoking) is how YOU look at it.

If you see ending your addiction as giving something up, as removing a pleasurable thing from your life, etc - then you will have a hard time doing it. On the other hand, if you look at this like doing the right think, kicking an addiction that is keeping you tied, regaining your health and good looks - then you will find that stopping smoking is an easy thing that you CAN do.

My honest opinion is one should only quit smoking once they've acknowledged the benefits of doing so. This way, stopping smoking really does become easy. It's like you suddenly realize you no longer want to flood your lungs with nicotine and other highly toxic substances. When you do, of course stopping smoking is easy!

Also, another thing you MUST consider before being able to see the "stop smoking easy" way is that you do not, in fact, like cigarettes or smoking. Think back on the first time you smoked your first cigarette - and there's a great chance you'll realize you did NOT like it. You probably felt dizzy, even a bit sick. So how could you tell me now that you like smoking? I say it's all mumbo-jumbo. The truth is, you don't like not smoking. Because it means not feeding your addiction. Ask any heroin user if he enjoys not using. He'll probably say he wishes he did. But he definitely does not enjoy using his drug. Now, chocolate I can understand: we (almost) all like it.

Look, as a tip on how to stop smoking easy try this trick: compare how you like chocolate (or something else you really, really like: ice cream, dancing, a hot shower, anything) - to how you "like" smoking. Think of the great taste or feeling you experience with the first one - and then think of smoking: pulling smoke from the end of a cigarette, letting it invade your mouth, and then lushing it through your lungs. Think of the taste of your cigarette. Can you honestly tell yourself you LIKE it?

Look, there's a lot of things you need to realize in order to make the process of stop smoking easy. But I really believe this is the most important one: that you don't like smoking, you're only doing it to get your 'fix'. And in fact, maybe you'll even come to realize that you kind of dislike it. Maybe hate it... Who knows? I mean, you're taking in smoke and you're passing it throughout your entire body. How great can that feel?

But look, in order to really find the great tips to stop smoking easy, you must see the things that will motivate you. Besides realizing you actually don't like smoking, you should find others too, like: do you smoke to piss off other people? And so on. find the 'reasons' why you smoke, and then start thinking if that is REALLY why you smoke. My bet is... that's not it. And once you will realize this, you will have the best, most powerful and most appropriate method to stop smoking easy!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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