
Many stop smoking aids can easily be acquired over the counter, such as nicotine gums and nicotine patches. There are a few stop smoking aids, however, that need a doctor's prescription before you can purchase them at your local drugstore.

If you're not too sure about which type of aid you would like to use, it's best to consult a physician and ask for professional advice. He or she can best determine which stop smoking aid is most appropriate for your lifestyle and your smoking habits.

As your physician explains to you the intricacies of the various kinds of stop smoking aids, you will also begin to understand why many quitters fall into relapse a few months after quitting.

This is mainly because most nicotine-based products such as the patch, the gum, and the lozenges still give you a dose of nicotine, albeit in smaller amounts. They are designed to gradually wean you off tobacco until that time when you no longer feel the urge to reach for them.

The downside to these medications is that most nicotine-based products only work for a short period. There is a big possibility that the person would revert to his or her normal ways, and because of this, researchers found a need to develop nicotine replacement medications.

Perhaps the most common of stop smoking prescriptions that are premised on nicotine replacement is the pill Zyban (buproprion). It works by tricking the nicotine receptors into thinking that you're still on tobacco.

When using the nicotine-based gum, patch, and other similar products, you are discouraged from smoking at the same time because the nicotine levels in your bloodstream may become too critical.

With Zyban, however, you are allowed to smoke while taking the medication - that is, until a so-called "quit date," after which you continue taking only the stop smoking prescription for Zyban.

Support systems are important especially when you're taking stop smoking prescriptions for medication such as Zyban. Drugs aren't magic pills which you pop to make the smoking addiction go away in an instant. To help ensure that you stay on track even after the therapy is over, the people around you must be available for the needed support and motivation.

In addition, if you feel that you need more than just a stop smoking prescription [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Stop_Smoking_Patch/], consult a counselor for some post-treatment therapy. Remember that there is a psychological aspect involved in addictions and smoking isn't an exception.

In this aspect, a complete stop smoking prescription for smoking cessation should involve not just the physical facet of quitting but the psychological and emotional angles as well.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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