
Out of curiousity, I had to know what the most successful ex-smokers have done. There are 10 ways to quit smoking and they really quite easy to do. Keep an open mind and spend the next 10 minutes of your time picking a few methods down on paper.

Here are the top 10 ways to quit smoking for good.

1. Chew Gum

Items like carrots, bread-sticks, hard candy, chewing gums and even straws can give you something to "stay busy" when you really crave a cigarette.

2. Pick Up An Active Sport

Try to go for some exercise like running or a certain sport whenever you really want a cigarette and avoid spots where you normally smoke.

Not only does it keeps your mind off smoking and more energy but also helps you control your weight. A nice 3-in-1 benefit for you.

3. Floss Everyday

This may sound amusing to you, but just think about it. You'll save money, smell better (by keeping mouth plaque at bay), you will be healthier. What else could be better?

4. Brush Your Teeth Often.

Among the top 10 ways to quit smoking, this definitely goes hand in hand with method 3. Imagine white flashy teeth and the sexy gums to show when you smile.

5. Get Stuck On Eating Chocolate

Besides being sweet, it is more fun I tell you!

You definitely will not get toothache since you're already brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. Milk chocolate is one of your snack foods that is least likely to contribute to tooth decay, since it contains phosphate and other minerals. Don't drool.

6. Keep A Pen

Or a pencil handy. So, every time you get a real craving grab a hold of the pen or pencil like it was a cigarette. If you could get yourself a stick of gum like mentioned in method 1, chew on it.

7. Drink Lots Of Water

Just drink water regularly. You will agree that this method would be the most common among the 10 ways to quit smoking. In fact, water will help flush nicotine from your system and reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.

8. Avoid Caffeine After 6pm.

Okay, I love coffee too. However, this is an actual contribution from a fellow ex-smoker. Studies show that, people who have high blood pressure are likely affected by the combined effects of smoking and drinking coffee. Why after 6pm? Start here.

9. Cold Turkey?

Here's a little something you can do as an alternative, instead of smoking when you get up and after breakfast, smoke after one or the other. Cold turkey is not something I want to push to you as one of the top 10 ways to quit smoking. That's why you have an alternative here.

10. Don't Put It In Your Mouth

Don't light it. You know what I mean.

These are the most popular and recommended 10 ways to quit smoking genuinely expressed from the heart. Start living that smoke free life you always wanted starting today.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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