
If you're determined to quit smoking, then consider using hypnosis. The process takes four basic steps.

1. Discuss problems and goals.

You will share how you've tried to quit and the obstacles you've encountered in the past. You'll talk about your determination and goals, including what continuing to smoke is costing you physically, emotionally, and more. The pain/pleasure principle drives human behavior, which means we move away from pain or fear (such as physical or emotional pain) and toward pleasure. Once the hypnotherapist understands the pain behind your habit, he or she can help you recognize the subconscious motivators driving your continued use of nicotine.

2. You and your hypnotherapist will create a smoking cessation plan.

As I mentioned in the beginning, you are in control. In order for your program to work, you need to be an active participant. To make long-lasting changes, you need to think of your session as a partnership with your therapist. Change comes from you, not the hypnotist. The key here is honest collaboration between the hypnotist and the client to create a real plan of change and not a half-hearted attempt at changing the problem.

3. You will learn how hypnosis works and be open to using it as a powerful stop smoking tool.

Most people do not understand how hypnotherapy works. Their only exposure may be through TV shows, movies, or stage shows. Those are purely entertainment, and for the most part, they don't focus on how it actually works. It's a natural and powerful way to reach goals, including stop smoking. In a trance, you're open to new ideas and verbal suggestions. You've already experienced hypnosis in your daily life, such as losing track of time when concentrating on a task or zoning out in front of the computer. During your session, the hypnotist verbally repeats the important parts of your goals as direct suggestions. Remember, you are helping the therapist with these suggestions. The therapist uses her training to help you reach these goals.

4. Reaching and maintaining your smoke-free life.

You can reach your goal as a nonsmoker with hypnosis with the support of your therapist who will address any obstacles. To toss aside the cigarettes forever, visit my website for your free report on how to quit smoking with hypnotherapy.
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