
Are you ready to stop smoking? Maybe you have tried different methods and found that you just can't quite kick the habit. You start off with good intentions and strong will, but somehow after a few days the nicotine pull is just too strong and you feel that you simply must have that cigarette after dinner, or with your morning coffee, or after the pint in the pub. What's your weak point? We all have them, it's how you respond that makes the difference between success and failure.

The problem is relying on will power alone is often not enough. No matter how strong you are, nicotine is a drug and it will use your subconscious mind to remind you of how good you felt after a cigarette. To make this worse, your subconscious mind can be a willing accomplice. Every time you try and fail to stop, it reinforces the message in your subconscious mind that you are a smoker and that you will fail to stop. So when you get the urge, that little voice in your head will be right there sabotaging you - encouraging you to just 'go on, have one'.

The best way to stop smoking permanently is to get your subconscious mind working for you. If you can convince your subconscious mind that you don't smoke then you will have a much better chance of succeeding. And because you are not relying on will power alone so it will be so much easier.

But how do you convince your subconscious mind. Well, you can't do it consciously. I know that sounds strange but what I mean is that no matter how much you believe you want to stop, your conscious mind will not let that message get through to your subconscious mind. So you need to find a way to by pass this ever-critical gatekeeper.

Let me give you an example. Your powerful subconscious mind does a million things without you having to even think about it. Your whole digestion system for example is run by your subconscious mind. No matter how much you may think about it, or will it, you can't convince your subconscious mind to digest food any quicker or slower than it already does. Will power is just not enough

One very powerful way to bypass the conscious mind is through hypnosis. During a hypnosis session, the conscious mind will be distracted, making it easier to plant powerful suggestions directly into the subconscious mind.

Some people may be afraid of hypnosis, scared that it is somehow about being unconscious and losing control. They may imagine that after a session they will not be able to remember what happened. While some of that may be true for stage hypnosis, it is certainly not the case for hypnotherapy. Stage hypnosis leans heavily on the power of peer pressure and group hysteria to achieve its results, and is a world away from hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is simply a deeply relaxed state, where attention is focused narrowly onto one thing - the sound of the hypnotist's voice and the suggestions being made. These suggestions can be made by the hypnotist in person, but many folk find it easier and more effective to use pre-recorded hypnosis session. This gives them the ability to use them every day to maximise the chances of success. It is said that it takes 14 days to form a habit, so doesn't it make sense that working on building this non-smoker habit every day for two weeks will give you the greatest possible chance to cement the habits of a non-smoker into your subconscious mind?
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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