
There are a number of ways both heavy and light smokers can choose from to stop smoking. They are: laser treatment, replacement therapy, hypnosis, to just name a few. But hypnosis is considered by many to be the best. It does, however, require quite a bit of skill.

There are many practitioners using hypnosis to help their patients stop smoking. It is becoming a very accepted form of treatment, no longer something to whisper about or keep to yourself.

I know that when I think of hypnosis, I'm just not sure that it can be effective on me. I'm not sure I would be a good subject for a hypnotist. Well, I could be, if I decided I wanted to be.

I used to be afraid of hypnosis, thinking that it can "make me" do something I didn't want to do. That's just not so. It works only with people who on some level want exactly what they are letting themselves be hypnotized for, but just need some added strength to accomplish it.

To alleviate any doubts we may have, let's find out more about hypnosis. How does it work? It works by relaxing our minds and focusing on only one thing - one problem, one goal and the results we are after.

With the help of hypnosis, we switch from our conscious mind to our subconscious - where all the action really takes place. Whatever our conscious minds may think, we always really listen only to our subconscious. The beliefs and associations stored there direct our every move. That's why it is critical that we uncover and reprogram them to have any chance of lasting change in our outer life.

It is widely believed that quitting smoking is one of the hardest things you can do. And yet, many have done it cold turkey without experiencing great many withdrawal symptoms at all past the first few days. Why is that? Doesn't that suggest that once we make up our mind to do something it becomes almost easy? And the greatest difficulty lies in our indecision or conflict about doing it?

Hypnosis is so effective, because it goes to the root of the problem - our minds. It helps us reprogram ourselves, if done correctly. Without an inner conflict and all sorts of hidden, subconscious beliefs and associations, the decision cannot be but clear and simple. On the other hand, if we don't do the mental work first, no amount of medication will do it for us.

So why not try it today? Don't force yourself, but if you have been thinking about it for a while and feel you are ready, go for it! The body will follow. Getting through just 3 days is really not a big deal. Your mind will decide everything. If it wants it to be hard, it will be. And if it wants it to be easy, it will be that. Retrain the way you think about smoking and embrace your freedom!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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