
Over many years tobacco has been known to cause death in many parts of the world. There are millions of people worldwide who smoke cigarettes. These people put themselves at risk of developing respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma and cancer, especially lung cancer. In fact tobacco is one of the major causes of cancer. Lung cancer is one the most common diseases caused by tobacco smoking.

There are several ways of quitting smoking cigarettes. A person who is addicted to cigarette smoking finds it hard to quit since nicotine is addictive. If taken over a long period of time nicotine can change the normal functioning of the brain. If the brain is addicted to nicotine, it takes it to be something it needs to function properly. If it is then lacking the body develops a strong craving for cigarettes. Nicotine in the brain helps to stimulate the brain hence creating a joyful mood.Hypnosis helps one to get down and think about his life. This process allows a smoker to get to analyse his past and understand the reasons why he is smoking. Hypnosis allows one to utilise both parts of the brain: the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the one which controls the normal daily activities of the body while the subconscious acts as a store of information. This information can be accessed when it is needed but it needs a serene environment in order to remember it.

The use of hypnosis is to allow someone to get into their world where they can think about their past life and analyse their reasons for smoking. It also acts as a motivating gear which can help one stop smoking. The therapist will help to guide you through the process of hypnosis to quit successfully. This can be expensive but it is worthwhile to save your health.

According to research, self-hypnosis is the best method which has been proved to work effectively in helping smokers to quit. This method helps one to achieve the goal of quitting smoking. This desire is transferred to the subconscious mind which will be taken in and utilised hence initiating a change to become a non-smoker.Basing your quitting on the psychological world, you will find hypnosis a very handy tool. It will help one gather and find new things and activities that will substitute for the addiction of smoking. You can find some game to play so that you are kept busy to stave off the temptations of relapse. Some of the withdrawal symptoms can include the tendency to chew gum for example. This is done unconsciously but with personal hypnosis one can get the subconscious mind get set hence helping one to overcome these challenges.

Stop smoking hypnosis can help one to completely overcome withdrawal symptoms. The physical symptoms get reducing with time. For stop smoking hypnosis to work effectively, it should not be the only method used. It is good for a smoker who is ready to quit and has a strong resolution in their life. They should act on the desire of quitting so that they can throw away this deadly habit of smoking.
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