
As a smoker, you have probably tried a number of methods to get you to quit this bad habit. Some of you would have even tried to quit using your own will power, only to fail miserably. In truth, while these methods may be helpful to many, there will still be a percentage wherein these options will fail. When this happens, it may be necessary to employ self hypnosis techniques to help you stop smoking once and for all. By getting your subconscious mind to accept your desire to stop smoking, self hypnosis has proven to be one of the most effective treatments by which you can quit this nasty habit.

The three basic components of self hypnosis are relaxation, scripts and visualization. By attaining total relaxation through meditation techniques, you will be able to hypnotize yourself and open your subconscious mind to "suggestions" or self hypnosis scripts. Through the formulation of positive phrases and suggestions you gradually lull your subconscious into cooperating with your will to stop smoking. These self hypnosis scripts are strengthened by visualization techniques.

Through visualization, you are able to imagine yourself doing certain activities that you could not do while stuck with the habit of smoking. Regular practice of visualization techniques like "dissociated visualization" will soon have you imagining concrete images of yourself doing a lot of fun things as though you are watching yourself on a TV screen. The power of visualization lies in the fact that you are able to see yourself as you would be if you stopped smoking. By imagining yourself doing this activity, the more it becomes real to you, and it greatly increases the inevitability of your quitting the habit.

There are a few important factors to consider when using visualization. First, you should be completely decided that you are going to quit smoking. The decision to stop smoking is your intended outcome. By using your imagination and creativity, you can come up with ideas and images that strongly appeal to your emotions. To make these images more powerful, incorporate emotionally charged adjectives into your self hypnosis scripts that would describe these images. For example, if you are visualizing yourself going rock climbing, you can say "I am going to quit smoking so that I will be able to enjoy an exciting rock climbing adventure." If you visualize yourself on the beach, you can say "I am going to stop smoking so that I can go on a thrilling windsurfing holiday."

Another means by which you can effectively utilize visualization is by creating dramatic images of the bad aspects of smoking. You can start by visualizing the tobacco smoke, particularly how it looks, smells and tastes. Use negative associations so that you will begin to see tobacco smoke in a different light. You can associate cigarette or cigar smoke with the smell of garbage, a smelly shoe, or bad breath.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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