
It's a sad but true fact that most smokers are the master of excuses when it comes to finding cop-outs for not quitting. 'The time's not right!' 'I'm going through some stressful times at work right now'. 'I'm having some issues with the kids', the spouse, the mother-in-law, the cat, the dog, and the fish in the pond, ad infinitum. And then there's that mother or all excuses; 'I can't stop smoking because I'll get fat!' Although the later may be true in some cases, albeit for a temporary duration, one option might be to try and stop smoking by hypnosis and combine those hypnotic sessions for weigh management too.

Look, the bottom line is this; if you really want to hit the dog, you'll always find a stick! (old English proverb) If you're serious about stopping smoking, be that through hypnosis, nicotine replacement therapy, or just good old fashioned cold turkey, then you will. So long as you want to stop smoking more than you want to continue smoking, you have half the battle won from the outset.

Can Stop Smoking by Hypnosis really work?

Tens of thousands of folks in the western world have now tried to stop smoking by hypnosis. Although many have had successful results, it's important to point out that there have probably been many more who have had no luck whatsoever from this alternative practice. The thing about alternative treatments such as hypnotherapy is that the patient has to believe it will work in order for it to come off. Hypnotic hocus-pocus say some, but for others it had succeeded when all else had failed.

Hypnotherapy, like acupuncture, spiritual healing, and certain forms of massage, are but a few options available to smokers looking for unconventional methods to kick the habit. Some would say that these approaches to smoking cessation are done by fooling the mind and that there's no hard proof evidence that anything physical or mental really occurs. So what, say other! It doesn't matter how they work, so long as they do. At the end of the day, if you manage to stop smoking, whether by a witch's wand or a nicotine patch, you have still stopped, and surely that is all that counts.

Hypnosis Stop Smoking Programs work like this!

Despite the image conjured up by slapstick comedy sketches of a hypnotist swinging a pocket watch in front of the eyes of his patient, the real sessions are far more serious, serene, and focused. During a typical sitting, the individual will be put into a state of total relaxation so that the subconscious can be accessed by the hypnotherapist. Once this 'hypnotic' state has been reached, the practitioner will aim to use certain techniques of positive affirmations and submissions. The patient may also be given a stop-smoking tape or CD to strengthen the 'message' in between sessions.

There is a plethora of help out there today to facilitate smokers willing to kick the habit. There really are very few excuses for failure providing the smoker is serious about quitting. Using Hypnosis to quit smoking may or may not be the way forward for you, but there will definitely be other methods which are. Smokers, like overeater's and heavy drinker's, will only ever get on top of their addiction when they want to, and not when they need to!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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