
We all know the traditional methods used to quit smoking. There are nicotine patches, rubber; prescription tablets as Wellbutrin, Zyrtex and the newly released Chantix; support groups and the dreaded cold turkey. The methods listed above really depends on the individual job trying to stop. Each of these has helped several people I know definitively stop smoking. My husband quit cold Turkey after using the patch and gum not him; a friend to go out with the help of nicotine patches, and my brother quit with the help of Wellbutrin. Each of these can be effective smoking aids stop, but there are also successful alternative methods, including Aromatherapy hypnosis, acupuncture and herbal remedies that can help you quit smoking.

Herbal remedies have been used over time to cure almost any disease and many modern medicines contain real property herbal or synthesized versions of them. Most alternative remedies to stop smoking herbal contains Valerian, as well as Yarrow and Chamomile to help you remain calm and ease the craving for a cigarette during stressful situations. Lobelia can help the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and are almost always alternative products to stop smoking herbal. Although potentially toxic, lobelia is safe if used properly. Due to the possibility of adverse drug interactions or fatal, always consult your doctor before beginning any herbal stop remedy alternative smoking programs.

Acupuncture is a popular method in the treatment of many diseases and can be an alternative stop smoking success. The key to quit smoking with acupuncture is to find a qualified practitioner of this ancient Chinese treatment. Acupuncture needles thin hair are placed at various points on the ear, where they remain for 20 minutes. Been conducted studies on acupuncture in effective alternative stop smoking have proven true, but there have been enough positive results to justify further study.

Aromatherapy is more help to quit smoking alternative remedies effective remedy. Some oils and essential oils added to a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil, can be inhaled through a fabric, rubbed on pulse points or used in a ceramic diffuser to surround yourself with soothing aromas, some of whom are believed to curb the craving for nicotine.

Hypnosis is one of the most popular methods of alternative stop smoking. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it is your subconscious mind, where cigarette addiction resides and is believed to strengthen your resolve to quit smoking, while changing both the behavior and the mental image of yourself from smoker to smoker. Experts agree that more than one session of hypnosis is required to complete the job, and this can be quite expensive.
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