
Did you know that chiropractic care can help assist you with smoking cessation? Using a combination of low level light therapy, herbal supplementation and homeopathy will help reduce your stress while you stop smoking. Proper chiropractic care centers on the whole person, not just one aspect of a problem. If you are on the fence about quitting, here are ten reasons to finally do it.

1. Live longer & healthier - When you quit smoking, your body undergoes a noticeable change within only 20 minutes. While it takes longer to heal damage done from years and years of smoking, after about 15 years of not smoking you can expect to live as long as you would have had you never picked up a cigarette.

2. Smell better & "smell better" - Smoking stinks! There is no easier way to say that and if you smoke, you can't smell it. You cannot know how bad it smells until you are a nonsmoker. Nonsmokers are not exaggerating about the smell of cigarettes. This smell, even if you smoke outside, follows you around. Your breath is not as fresh as it could be and the smell gets on your clothing, on your skin, in your hair. In addition, your sense of smell will improve once you quit smoking. This means food will taste better, the air will smell better, and in general, everything will just be better.

3. Look more attractive - Smoking ages you tremendously. All you have to do is go to any 20 year high school reunion to know that this is true. You can notice right off the bat the people who stopped smoking or never smoked compared to those who still smoke. There will be more wrinkles around the mouth in smokers, as well as discolored teeth, skin and nails.

4. Feel more energetic - Smoking saps your energy by depleting your oxygen intake. Many people feel euphoric when they smoke so they think that smoking gives them energy but the truth is, smoking saps your energy. The feeling you're having when you smoke is akin to what heroin addicts feel when they get a hit.

5. Save money - Smoking is not just an expensive habit to keep up due to the high cost of the product, but there are longer term costs to consider too. Health insurance will be more expensive and you're likely to have more health problems too. Health problems such as stroke, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and heart attack in smokers are not uncommon.

6. Keep the air cleaner - If you stop smoking, you can keep the air cleaner for yourself and others. Cigarettes are full of chemicals and toxic substances that are very bad for the environment. In fact, cigarettes have about 4000 dangerous chemicals that pollute the air. If you smoke indoors, the good insulation we have in our homes now, ironically, can make it hard to clear out the air.

7. Stop hurting others - Whether you want to face it or not, smoking hurts others. When you smoke anywhere near anyone, inside or out, you are forcing them to inhale your secondhand smoke. You can try to tell yourself this is not a big deal but people cannot just choose not to breathe as they run the gauntlet from the outside through the entrance of the building you're smoking outside of.

8. Set a good example -- By quitting smoking, you're setting a good example to those around you including your children and other people/friends who smoke. It's good for people to see someone succeed at quitting because it makes them know that they can too. If you quit smoking your children have a statistically less chance of smoking at anytime in their lives.

9. Demonstrate self-control - Simply put, smoking is a drug addiction. By quitting, you're demonstrating control over a drug addiction. It won't be easy to quit, but it's not hard either. With the proper support from your chiropractor, you can quit smoking!

10. It's simple - While it's not easy, quitting is simple. It's a process that you can get support with and encouragement toward success from your chiropractor. With a combination of therapies and homeopathic remedies, your withdrawal can be lessened and you will have a much higher chance for success.
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