
Every smoker will tell you how hard it is to quit. Some say it is the most difficult to conquer addiction, some doctors say its even harder to quit then heroin. The reason why its so hard, is manly because of substances found in cigarettes such as nicotine and cigarette companies of chemical additives such as place to keep people hooked.

But it is also difficult because of the nature of the smoking habit. Needing a smoke for every occasion. The smoke with your morning coffee, smoking of workunits, the smoke breaks at work, smoking after every meal, smoke when your stress, smoke when the happy, smoke when talking to someone etc.

Is still somewhat accepted in our society (though less and less accepted more recently). So quit smoking can be extremely difficult. Now we know that smoking can cause harm, and the long-term effects are severe and deadly.

So the motivation is concerned is the result of years of smoking. There is absolutely no benefit to smoking. It is expensive and is guaranteed to leave you breathless, with a long and painful journey of regret. So how do you get out?

Quit smoking products can help

Some people have had success using the patch or nicotine gum, for example nicorettes. We recommend that you talk to your doctor to find the medication that is best suited for you, as well as combine counselling or group therapy with this approach.

Advice and/or support groups

You can ask help from professionals and consultants or join a support group like AA. Support groups have had huge success for addicts.

Cold Turkey

Although this may seem like the most difficult, also has a high success rate for those who can sustain for long periods of time.

Whichever way you choose, you may need to try quiting smoking a number of times before you feel you no longer desire and on a daily basis.

Additional tips that may be useful:

1. make a plan-Write what you think are the harmful effects of smoking, also write what you feel will benefit or gain from quiting. Make a plan to quit for good. Take a day to stop and prepare to replace smoking with healthier choices as an exercise and healthy snacks. Knowing what triggers smoke and try to change the pattern.

For example, if you smoke with your morning coffee, change at tea, if you smoke at work breaks, eating fruit instead, if you smoke in the pub with friends, avoid that situation for a while.

2. do not carry smoke or smoking tools-they don't carry matches, lighters or cigarettes with you. Everything that contributes to trigger the need for a cigarette, they must be thrown aside. You need all the help you can get to start triggering new habits and discarding the ugly, deadly smoking habit.

3. start exercising more-replace the old smoking habit out of boredom and dazing into space, with activities and fun. Basically, you need to start a new life. But a more adventurous and fun. Join doing yoga, run a sport star, start living and enjoy every fresh breath.

4. Recruit a friend-find a family member or friend who wants to help or want to quit smoking as well. You'll need someone who is near you for your new lifestyle to encourage and support time can be difficult.

Although millions of people smoke, have also stopped by millions of people. It can be done. Ask your doctor before you begin your journey toward a healthier life for further assistance.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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