
It is common knowledge nowadays that smoking can be dangerous to our health, but still, many people do it. The shocking fact is that the number of smokers worldwide is not declining. Surveys have found that many people start the habit of smoking at a very young age and this could be a reason why giving up the habit is very difficult.

Several studies have found out that about 70% - 80% of smokers have had a desire to stop smoking, but few were able to do it. Smoking is difficult to stop because cigarettes have a nicotine agent that can create an addiction in the user. Although the addiction is not as heavy as in using drugs, still it is difficult to quit.

There are several reasons why it is hard stop the smoking habit. First, smoking is legal. Smokers can smoke without any fear of being caught. Second, cigarettes can easily be found anywhere. The price is also affordable. Third, the smoker sees that he is not the only one smoking, other people are smoking too. They will not feel guilty about it, because a lot of other people are doing the same thing.

Aside from this, the desire to smoke can be postponed. A smoker can still delay his need to smoke when the current time and place will not permit him to do so. This is different from drug addiction, wherein the need of the body for the drug cannot be delayed. The lov level of l addiction makes people underestimate the danger of cigarette dependence.

Although giving up smoking is difficult, it is not impossible. It can be done, when the smoker has a strong motivation to quit. There is one simple way that can help smokers to quit; that is to depend on the power of the brain. In other words, to reorganize the unconscious mind. It is very simple; first, we must tell ourselves that we want to stop smoking and want to live a healthy life. This is called self affirmation.

The sentence to use for self-affirmation should consist of 3Ps: personal, present tense and positive. This would mean that the sentence should use the word I (personal) in a present situation and use positive words. So those who want to stop smoking should not use the word 'will' or 'want to',they have to use positive words and not negative such as 'no' or 'don't'. For example, I live a healthy life. The unconscious mind would accept the positive sentence better than a sentence using negative words, such as 'I don't want to smoke anymore'.

After devising a self-affirmation sentence, remember it not by words, but imagine the situation. Don't imagine the sentence 'I want to stop smoking' but imagine a situation where you had already stopped smoking and were living a healthier life. Imagine what you get from living a healthy life without smoking. The self-affirmation and the imagining process of what can happen should be done at least five times daily for 30 days. But it is important that when doing this the body and mind are in a state of relaxation and calm. Success will come to those who believe in themselves. Where there is a will, there is a way. Never underestimate the power of the brain. It can do wonders.
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