
There is a stop smoking shot available and like all the other aides on the market it can be a bit of a hit and miss affair. It is not my intention to criticize the efforts of these good people who strive from the medical platform to assist in this war on tobacco, but yet again I see no universal cure!

There are, according to the World Health Organisation, 1.3 billion smokers and of those 5 million die each year from smoking related diseases. Clearly that is too much and something has to be done. Only, I'm not sure that this is the way, not yet, anyway. Sure, it will work for a percentage of people and that is what I mean by hit or miss.

I don't want to go all technical on you here but this stop smoking shot will contain a combination of drugs, the application of which will be repeated at least twice more, or so. If you are thinking that it will be done and dusted on the day, wrong.

The patient will have another two weeks or so treatment of jabs or pills. The idea is that the vaccine will affect your nervous system via your bloodstream. Something to do with the receptors in your brain where nicotine has it's way with you. It will cost you money.

Naturally, as far as I'm aware, there is no money back guarantee. In this day and age especially, I am so, so skeptical of these wonderful products that offer you top quality results, and no guarantee. I can't help but think they are not prepared to put their money where their mouth is.

Okay, so the stop smoking shot available to us is pretty much like any other aid for stopping smoking, without a guarantee, that's all. You pays your money and takes your choice.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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