
There are several natural ways to quit smoking, the most common being "going cold turkey" the problem with this approach is that it only has a 3% success rate. So although successful for some, most other smokers require a more efficient approach. The Natural approach has become very popular in recent times, mainly because they are safe, drug free and often very effective in helping smokers reach their goal.

The herbal ingredients of some quit smoking have been proven to simulate the nicotine that the smoker is craving, as a result handling the withdrawal symptoms becomes much easier. The natural herbal approach has also become popular due to the ease of application using pills or nasal sprays, easy but effective for many. It's probably a bit of a mystery for some smokers why these natural products are effective, the answer is in the many herbal ingredients that work in combination.

Black Spruce: relieves the hard cough, upset stomach and headache. Also useful for wakeful restlessness and nightly hunger pangs the often are brought on by withdrawal.

St Johns Wort: also lessens cravings.

Quibracho: Found in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Southern Brazil, the bark of the evergreen Quebracho tree has been used for centuries. In homeopathy, it is used to relieve dyspnoea (shortness of breath), especially in emphysema and asthma.

Stricta Pulomaria (Lung Wort): Combats the dull feeling and general malaise that often accompanies nicotine withdrawal ... the herbal list is too long for this article, but when they are used in the right combination they are a powerful addition in the battle to find the best natural ways to quit smoking.

When exploring natural ways to stop smoking, hypnotherapy also has to be considered as it does work for some people trying to quit. If there is a negative to hypnotherapy it would be that some smokers just can't be hypnotised and usually by comparison to the herbal approach it is much more expensive. But it's best to keep an open mind and try the method that best suits you.

Finally a more recent method that would have to be considered as a natural way to quit smoking is laser therapy. This method has only been introduced in recent years and works on the same principles as acupuncture by targeting certain nerve centres in the body to get a certain predictable effect. It's not unlike reflexology and shiatsu, it can bring out the skeptic in some but other claim it works and like hypnotherapy can be a bit expensive. But at the end of the day cost should not really be an issue if the end result is a better life with better health. If cost is an issue, I suggest try the herbal solution first, you may be surprised just how well they work.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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