
If you are a smoker, and no matter what you try you seem unable to quit, maybe you should try acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of treatment, which uses small needles to affect pressure points under the skin, and can help to treat or relieve certain illnesses and disorders. It is believed that certain pressure points can be used to reduce cravings, and thereby help you to quit smoking, saving you money, and protecting your health at the same time.

How Can Acupuncture Help You Stop Smoking?

Acupuncture works by inserting thin needles in the skin over certain pressure points, stimulating blood flow to certain organs, including the lungs, the airways, and the mouth. Smokers who have acupuncture treatment usually find that they feel a reduced urge to smoke, and some tests have found that cigarette related chemicals in the bloodstream of such smokers are greatly reduced after acupuncture treatment.

There are more and more acupuncture clinics opening up each year, and you should be able to find a qualified practitioner in a city near you. When you go for your first consultation, the acupuncturist will probably ask you about your smoking habit, including how long you have smoked and why you wish to quit. They may also want to know if you are using any other stop smoking aids, and may recommend that you cease taking and nicotine replacement products, such as stop smoking patches, or gum, as they could negatively affect the results of the acupuncture treatment.

Quality Comes First

Make sure that any acupuncture clinic you go to is a recognized one, and that your acupuncturist is qualified. In general, acupuncture is safe, but it is important that the practitioner knows what they are doing, and that a certain standard of hygiene is adhered to. Ask your doctor for recommendations if you are unsure.

If you have already tried patches, gum, hypnotherapy, and other stop smoking techniques, and found that they do not work for you, acupuncture could well be worth it. Do not believe that your inability to quit smoking means anything negative about your willpower. Smoking addiction is physical, not just psychological, and it is a very difficult habit to break. Acupuncture could well help you get rid of the habit for good, which will be beneficial to your health, self esteem, and general feeling of wellbeing, as well as a great benefit to your finances too.
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