
To some, it is hard to stop smoking without medication. The thought of trying to quit without using nicotine replacement therapy is frightening. But there are a few things you need to know before you purchase these products.

For starters, you should consult your doctor before you make any sudden changes in diet or exercise. You should definitely let her know that you plan to stop smoking and she will inform you of any problems you may face. She will know the pro's and con's of nicotine replacement products and will be able to help you decide what is best for you. 

To combat your addiction to nicotine you have to understand that there is two forms of the addiction that you will have to fight. The physical addiction and the mental addiction. Each has its own problems and weaknesses. You just need to know how to fight them.

The physical addiction is easy to fight. Simply replacing cigarettes with a nicotine replacement product will usually make the physical addiction happy on its own. Some people will carry a pencil or pen in their hands since it has the same general shape. Others will chew on a straw to curb the need for something in your mouth. There are many more ways to fight the physical addiction, you will likely end up finding your own method to beat it. 

In order to stop smoking without medication you will have to face the mental addiction head on. This is where you will need an abundance of willpower to overcome your cravings. The mental addiction is responsible for the desires of the physical addiction as well, so ultimately your final battle will be here.
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