
Tips To Quit Smoking

When you're ready to quit smoking, you have a number of choices available to you. You can try to quit cold turkey, you can try using medication or hypnotherapy, you can use natural herbs or you can cut back the number you smoke, setting a final date when you will quit.

Five tips to quit smoking that might help you include:

#1 Cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day or a week, gradually working down to the day where you don't smoke anymore.

#2 Replace a cigarette with something you can bite on or chew on, such as a straw, a fake cigarette or even a pen; for many smokers having something in-between their fingers to raise to their mouth is most difficult to kick.

#3 Drink lots of water to help flush the nicotine from your system. Water's good for you anyway, so this can only be good for your overall health.

#4 Find a motivation to stop smoking. Maybe someone you know recently had health problems from smoking. Maybe your wife hates it or your afraid your children will think its cool.

#5 Don't give up. If you have a relapse, start again, perhaps trying another method. Don't look at a relapse as failure, but as a learning experience.

Quit Smoking Naturally

Quit smoking natural methods aren't all proven. Though herbs have been shown to reduce some of the effects, there is no definitive proof that they work. Other alternative forms have some science behind them and have started growing in popularity. If you want to quit using natural methods, you don't need to rely on quitting cold turkey if you want to do it without using drugs. Consider:

Hypnotherapy: This method uses hypnosis to reverse your thought process about smoking and about quitting, to help you succeed. A hypnotist will use this time to implant encouraging messages in your mind which will make you want to quit.

Acupuncture: If you're not afraid of needles, this is a second option. Needles will be injected at different parts of your body to restore your balance and cut down on withdrawal symptoms and curb cravings.

Lobelia: This herb is designed to reduce the effects of withdrawal by reducing mood swings and increasing feelings of pleasure.

Stop Smoking Using Medication

If you want stop smoking medication, there are dozens you can choose from and each has its pros and cons. Some that you might consider include:

Chantix: This drug blocks the effects of nicotine on your brain and was developed specifically to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduces the feelings of pleasure that nicotine has on your brain and reduces the effects of withdrawal. This is a physician-prescribed medication that has serious side effects, including sleep problems, constipation, gas and vomiting.

Zyban: Reduces the effects of withdrawal and nicotine cravings. It is also used to reduce depression. This medication must be prescribed by your physician. It has serious side effects, including dry mouth, difficulty sleeping, sore throat, dizziness, flatulence and constipation.

You can also use nicotine patches and gum to control your addiction. The patch is effective, but feeds your addiction by releasing small(er) amounts of nicotine into your skin.

Quit smoking medication doesn't work alone, nor is it completely effective. You need to persevere.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Cigarettes release hundreds of chemicals into your system, which do things to your body that can be harmful for years to come. Quitting smoking benefits range from emotional to health benefits. Even after a short amount of time, you can see stop smoking effects after only twenty minutes. Some benefits include:

After a week, your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal, your nerve endings have started regrowing, your body is nicotine free and it's easier to breath. Your senses of taste and smell return to normal in this time, as well. You will still have cravings, which usually last for about three minutes.

After three months, your addiction is mostly under control and circulation to your teeth and gums has improved. Your risk of heart attack has dropped and any chronic cough has disappeared. Walking is easier.

After one year, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath from smoking have improved. Your risk of coronary heart disease has dropped to half of a smoker's.

After 15 years the quit smoking benefits include the risk of stroke has declined to a non-smoker's, your risk of tooth loss has declined and so has your heart disease risk.

There are also emotional benefits for quitting smoking, including a healthier self-image. Never look back.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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