
There are two main reason that you may want to use quit smoking medication in your battle to give up. That little monster inside you is coming at your will power with a double edged sword.

1. The fist problem is the addiction which to be honest is only a tiny little hungry feeling in your belly.

2. But the second problem is much worse and it's the brainwashing that all smokers have deep inside. The feeling that your life won't be the same without cigarettes.

If you want to know why it is so hard to quit it's right there. Your are being assaulted from two angles and without knowing what's going on you have not chance.

So with these problems in mind there is a gold rush for companies all over the world to create quit smoking medication that can truly make it easy to give up.

I can see the logic there...

If you asked any smoker on the planet if they would pay for a pill that would remove the need to smoke, it would be clear to anyone that the medication was worth at least a months cigarette money. It's an easy sale for them.


As you can probably tell from my spelling, I'm not a doctor so you should probably not listen to anything I say;-)


Make sure that you see a doctor before taking any new medication and let him know your full medical history.


If you suffer from other diseases then there is a good chance that this kind of medicine may conflict with something that you are already taking. Always get a full medical check.


Here are a few products you may look into:

* Smart
* Welplex
* 1-2-3

The great thing about this kind of medication is that you don't have to go through long months of weening yourself off it. Just a single shot and you can be free from the addition.


At this point I want to let you know about some of the problem you may encounter when taking quit smoking medication.

* You may find it hard to sleep
* Feeling sick
* Constantly thirsty
* Weird nightmares
* High blood pressure
* Depression

Final thoughts.

What you need to remember is that no drug can instantly make you give up so you still need willpower and a massive desire to be smoke free.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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