
There are more and better stop smoking medications on the market today than ever before. With this help, you now have doubled your odds of quitting for good. It is very important for you to get as much factual information and data as possible before you make a decision on which medication to use. You will want to consult with your doctor to make the best decision possible for you. Having studied all the background information and writing your questions down will optimize your visit with your physician.

There are many different types of medication available, ranging from prescription to over the counter. The ones that work with nicotine replacement therapy typically require a prescription, as they contain some amount of nicotine. The ones containing nicotine work by weaning you off the addiction to nicotine by reducing your cravings. Other nicotine-free medications can be readily found over the counter.

While there are many considerations to take into account relative to the choice you make, one thing is clear - being smoke free is of paramount value in the end. So plan to consult with your doctor during your transition period and be certain to inform him of any side effects you may be experiencing. The time it takes to become smoke free will vary from upwards of 2-6 months depending on your particular circumstances. Remember the goal is worth whatever price you pay.

You will need to consider the options available to you before you decide on your type of medication. There are chewing gums, patches, sprays and other products available. Each has its own plusses, minuses and potential side effects. It is important that you understand what is required of you with each method. For example the gum products could be a good solution for you, provided it does not interfere with your lifestyle and your day to day interactions with others. Not everyone chews gum or finds it acceptable, so you should take this into account before you go down this path.

Perhaps the patches are more for you. Some patches require replacement every 24 hours. This may be an easier solution for you than chewing gum all day. The patches have certain requirements as to where they need to be put, so reading and understanding the instructions is very important.

Then there are the nasal sprays. They provide perhaps the fastest hit for the smoker. But keep in mind because they work as effectively as they do they also have stricter conditions for use. So keep this in mind if you choose this method.

We are dealing with health issues and medications here so remember that it is critical to work with a health care practitioner before, during and after your treatment plan. It doesn't do you any good to become smoke free, only to have developed some other health condition along the way. Here's to your non smoking future!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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