
When someone wants to stop smoking for good, one must choose a "quit day". This can be the start of a new life but you must make all your friends and family aware about your quit day so they will be able to help you. Your support team is very important for this venture; they must be there to support you whenever you feel like going back to your vices. It is also important to talk with people who have experience with the same thing as you and ask them for tips on what helped them stop smoking.

Keep yourself busy and stay away from things that tempt you. The first few weeks are very crucial to your success. You must find new things that interest you and new things that you can do to make you not think of smoking. Remember that you are doing this for your health and for yourself. Think of the long-term rewards that you can have when you stop smoking and start a vice-free life. This is an important tip when stopping smoking.

Tips given to stop smoking should not be taken as a one day project; not even a six month or a one year project. This is a lifetime commitment that you need to take on seriously if you want to succeed. Do not fret if on some days you feel like smoking or even if you feel like crying. This is normal for quitters to feel. Some even get sick or lose their appetite. Or for some they tend to increase their appetite and some gain weight. But this is just the adjustment period, you'll soon get over that and your body can adjust to the new nicotine-free you.

When you do slip, and sometimes it does happen; do not just loose guts and go back to smoking. You need to focus and remember what your goal is. Some people tend to ask for professional help. Some use nicotine patches to help them see through this new obstacle. It is also advisable to attend groups that want to quit smoking as well. Not only will you get more tips to stop smoking, you'll have a support group that knows exactly how you feel. This is important in this stage in your life; when you think nobody understands you, at least you'll know that there are people who are going through the same things that you are going through.

The most important thing about quitting smoking is the willingness to stop and start a smoke-free life. Ask around for tips on quitting and listen. The decision and willingness start is within you and everything else will follow.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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