
It is not a matter of shame, every one fails on the first attempt when he tries to do something extraordinarily good or challenging. Yes, I do consider quit smoking a challenge and that is why I have another strong and valid reason to say: "Try and try till you succeed". It is not your fault that you are addicted to cigarette; Nicotine in the cigarette is responsible for your tobacco addiction. It is the sole chemical out of 4000 harmful chemicals which compels your brain to fall in love with cigarette.

The 'feel good' factor that you refer to as 'the kick' is the effect of nicotine which overpowers your brain for a few minutes and leaves you craving for the same kick afterwards. You, at the same time feel guilty thinking how harmful the cigarette is for your body and for the people around you. You cannot imagine yourself going the cold turkey way, as that would be too tough for you...but some with strong willpower have succeeded in quitting smoke that way.

During the last decade nicotine replacements were very popular, men and women could slowly get away from the menacing addiction by using nicotine patches, gums and inhalers. But these were nicotine supplements which meant that the body was still addicted to nicotine, and the main problem with this technique of quit smoking was, the smoker still waited for the "Nicotine Kick"! So the risk factor of relapse remained there.

Now imagine for a second....you smoke a cigarette but throw it away with distaste after two puffs! Seems impossible, right? But boy this is possible! Indeed! Man has learnt to understand the brain game and using this understanding it has solved many mind riddles. If nicotine addiction is responsible for cigarette smoking, how about making the brain dislike nicotine? Yes, the chemical Varenicline can make you dislike the nicotine effects on the brain. So it ensures that you will not like to smoke after you take the pill Chantix that contains Varenicline.

Chantix is the latest FDA approved drug for smoking cessation which has given a whole new perception to the quit smoking efforts. It works in the same way as nicotine does, and binds the brain receptors which are responsible for the 'feel good' factor and gives the same kick. But after using this quit smoking medicine, you just do not feel like smoking any longer. This is the best way to handle smoke cravings after you have started smoking cessation plan.

What else you need when you have the main weapon on your hand? You can control your cravings and slowly get rid of nicotine for life. Make the impossible possible with Chantix now, perhaps quit smoking was never so easy. Let the good angel take you to a life where no addiction, no disease bother you and you lead a long and happy life.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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