
Let's face it, if you know more about quit smoking benefits, than you will have the urge to do it immediately. The quit smoking benefits that you are going to get will make your life and health a lot better than before and that is a guarantee I must say.

Here I have list down the benefits from the quit smoking effects that are going to get:-

1) Even you stop taking cigarette for 20 minutes, believe it or not, your pulse and blood pressure will become back to normal.

2) If you manage to stop in the next 7 to 8 hours, your nicotine level inside your body will become lower. This is great since you are doing your very best to reduce your bad addiction to smoke. Beside nicotine, the level of carbon monoxide are reduce by half.

3) The next quit smoking benefit is your oxygen level will goes back to normal. You can start to feel your breathing due to this quit smoking effects.

4) Your chances of getting a heart attack are reduce dramatically. Not to mention that the carbon monoxide that contain inside your body are totally removed. This happens after you have successfully stopped smoking in one day.

5) You can easily breathe in and out since no more smoking debris or mucous is inside your lungs. This helps in reducing your bad cough.

6) On the second day, your nicotine level is totally eliminated from your body. The best quit smoking benefits you are going to get from this is you have no desire to smoke any more cigarettes.

7) If you have bought some quit smoking books from any bookstore or Amazon website, then you may know that in the third day, you can feel that your energy level is increasing. This happens because the lung has been recharged and your breathing becomes less stressed altogether.

8) The functionality of your lung is improving quite a lot after 3 to 9 months. Breathing will be much easier and smoothly. No more bad cough for a long period.

9) Once you manage to control yourself and stay focused after 5 years, the quit smoking effects that you are going to get are the sense of taste and you will have no more worry of getting a heart attack at all.

10) After 10 years, the risk of you getting lung cancer will reduce by half.

11) Another quit smoking benefit that you may not thought possible is that your social life will improve. People who do not smoke usually try to stay away from heavy smokers because they do not want to get the side effects due to second hand smoke.

12) The best quit smoking effect is of course you can live longer. There is no denying about that because your chances of getting any diseases are reduce.

13) After 15 years or so, you can feel that you are physically stronger since your addiction to take any cigarettes is no more.

There you have it, all the quit smoking benefits that you can feel if you start doing it now. Nothing bad is going to come when you decide to quit smoking. The only bad thing is if you still want to smoke even though you have been armed with this knowledge.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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