
If you're a smoker, this might be a little hard for you, but just picture taking a deep breathe over the ocean, and not having to cough cause your lungs aren't polluted with stuff. The benefits of quitting smoking will out way anything you can almost ever do for yourself, this doesn't just effect your health, but your everyday life....For the better. Whether you want to admit it or not, smoking has affected all areas of your life. This is from your family and friends, to your professional work life. Smoking decreases your ability to really get better through working out. I know it's hard to imagine, but once you finally quit smoking, you can expect your life to get better from here on out. I came up with a few ways to stop smoking, you can expect to experience.

First off, the most seeming factor will be your overall progress in health. I have heard other smokers who stopped say, they felt as if they were giving a second chance at living a more satisfying and healthy life, and the energy they were able to capitalize on was without question a great factor of their life. If you were to stop smoking for 4-5 years you would have reduced your risk of having a heart attack greatly, and if you stopped smoking for about 10 years, the risk of you getting lung cancer will have dropped to the same chances of non smoker. I know this may sound far fetched, but it's very possible to severely reverse the harmful damage to your body caused by cigarettes, all by you not smoking.

Next, the nasty smell will start to fade away, this means others will like to actually be around you, and so your social life will improve greatly. What about the yellowing on your teeth. Well, that pale yellowing stain caused by smoking will start to go away, and these simple changes will boost your confidence and allow you to smile without trying to hide it behind your hand.

Most of my friends and family told me, after I stopped smoking they really didn't like being around me, and that the smell from the cigarettes made them sick and they would walk away from me, when ever possible...Ouch!

My third point, is an a significant raise in stamina and motivation to do more physical activities. I would normally sit around watching TV, snacking and smoking cigarettes throughout the day, and by the end of the day, I was so exhausted I could barely make it to the bed. I stopped smoking about a year ago, and since I have felt better than I ever have, and since then I have signed up for more sporting activities, and all with out hacking and coughing. I even participated in a 5k run a few months ago, and I felt incredible after crossing the finish line. Also, since I feel so much better doing the day, I don't feel so tired, and when I to sleep, I don't wake up sluggish and dragging to get the day started, and it is such an awesome feeling.

Finally, Smoking cigarettes don't control my life like they use to, and so I don't depend or require one go to get through my life. I use to be so consumed by cigarettes so much, I would plan a trip and the first thing was to make sure I had enough cigarettes. I would freak out if I started to run out, and almost have a panic attack. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has done this, and the sad thing is I won't be the last, but you know what I'm referring to, right. I didn't really know it at the time, but this nasty habit made me a slave to it, and it had all the control over me, and I couldn't stop it, then I cried out, "NO MORE."
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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