
There are many benefits that come with quitting smoking. All these benefits carry a lot of weight in ensuring you remain healthy for a long time. While you may know these benefits, it is still important to list them down and remind yourself again, when you are beginning your journey to quit smoking. This may not be an easy journey to taken, but the benefits that come with quitting smoking are huge, which makes this struggle completely worthwhile.

According to studies it states that it is essential for a smoker to stop smoking while ahead, in order to improve one's quality of life. Smoking is in direct relation to longevity. The quicker you give up smoking; your life expectancy will increase considerably. Consider longevity as an important factor in your attempt at quitting smoking. Stopping smoking results in longevity, even more than not consuming alcohol. This is a benefit worth considering.

Once you stop smoking, you will feel the immediate changes at once. Within twenty minutes of giving up your cigarette, your blood pressure and heart rate will improve. Between two weeks and three months of giving up your cigarette, your blood circulation will improve. Between one and nine months of giving up your cigarette, the coughing will reduce considerably. Finally, after one year, you will find that quitting smoking minimizes any risk to your heart.

Are these good benefits of quitting smoking? Well, this doesn't end here; you have gotten more to look forward. If you want to eliminate bad breath, gain whiter teeth and clothes, which constantly reek, of smoke, all you have to do is to give up smoking. These benefits are immediate, and will take place as soon as you quit smoking. These are some sold facts that no smoker can argue about.

Stopping smoking reduces greatly your chance of premature death. Respiratory diseases reduce considerably when you give up smoking. Additional benefits include an overall improvement to your health. Once quitting you will not be prone to flu viruses and cold infections. Stopping smoking will bring a major change to your health, where you will see your health rapidly improve right before your eyes. These health benefits start as son as you bust your last cigarette. This goes to show that while quitting smoking is a struggle to many, your health is waiting to resume to its normal self.

Finally, take a look at the numbers, this alone should convince you to quit smoking immediately. How much money do you bust on cigarettes? For instance, if you smoke, one pack of cigarettes per day, you have to multiply that cost by 7. Next, multiply again by 52. What is your total cost? This is how much you spend on busting cigarettes each year. Compare this amount to your salary per annum. Now, consider if you spend this money on any good thing. Obviously not! If you take time to think what else you may do with this money, it will shock you.

Remember, quitting smoking is a very powerful advantage. Think of these benefits when you are struggling to quit smoking.
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