
Given the large number of risks that smoking poses to the smoker, it is quite understandable that stopping it will have several immediate and long term benefits. The quit smoking benefits are indeed numerous, and the health improvement you get by kicking this habit is just one side of the story. As we shall see below, the benefits of stopping smoking reach out to many other aspects of the smoker's life.

About 9 in 10 people who suffer from lung cancer are smokers. The most significant benefit of quitting smoking is that you come out of this risk bracket. However, this is not an immediate benefit because the damage that smoking does to the lungs is not so instantly reparable. It takes up to 10 years for the risk to reduce by half.

People who smoke are infested with several respiratory problems. There are as many as 3,500 different chemicals in cigarette smoke, of which many are fatal in concentrated doses. One of the respiratory disorders that smoking causes is known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which seriously affects the health of the lungs. Major problems such as emphysema and bronchitis are offshoots of COPD. By giving up smoking, you are ensuring that you don't die from these biological killers.

The most immediate of the quit smoking benefits is that your normal health vastly improves. Smoking can cause high blood pressure in people. By giving up smoking, this threat is immediately removed. Also, when you smoke, your immune system steadily deteriorates. You may fall easy prey to infections due to this deterioration. However, on quitting smoking, you regain the lost health of your immune system.

Smokers develop discrepancies in many of their sensory functions, mainly taste. A smoker can never taste food in the same way as nonsmokers do. If you quit smoking, you will find a sudden improvement in this respect. You will be able to savor food better and, in fact, you will begin eating healthier.

However, quit smoking benefits do not apply only to health. Your social and personal life undergoes a major improvement. You will no longer be ostracized from groups that don't tolerate smokers and you may even do better at relationships. If there are children in your house, by quitting smoking, you are benefiting them too. You are ensuring that you will be around to take care of them for a longer time.

Knowing these quit smoking benefits is essential because for most people they act as motivators in giving up the habit. You must know how your body can be ravaged by this habit so that you can take proper remedial measures when there is still time.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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