
Most smokers who stop smoking before reaching the age of maturity would live another 15 years compared to those who stay on the habit. These ex-smokers enjoy a life that is far from fatal diseases and generally live quality lives with their family. For so many years, studies have been done to prove the benefits of getting rid of smoking and what positive effects it can bring to an ex-smoker and the people around him.

Quitting smoking has both immediate and major health benefits for men and women, whatever age they may be. These benefits could be for those who have already contacted smoking-related illnesses and those who luckily haven't acquired any. A very important fact is that when you stop smoking, you dramatically cut down your risk of having lung cancer, heart attacks, stroke, and chronic lung diseases. Women who stop smoking before getting pregnant have been able to deliver much healthier babies compared to the lower birth-weight babies born by smoking mothers.

Aside from immediate positive effects of quitting smoking, there are still similar changes that happen over time. It is said that for just 12 hours after quitting, the level of carbon monoxide in the body goes back to normal. As we all know, carbon monoxide is a poisonous compound and cutting down its level in our bloodstream can be healthy for an individual. At two weeks to three months after a smoker quits, circulation is improved and the lungs function more efficiently. For up to nine months of ceasing to smoke, the shortness of breath experienced during the time of active smoking is decreased; the ability of the lungs to handle mucus is improved and the risk of infection is greatly reduced.

After a year of successfully avoiding the smoke, the excess risk of heart diseases is halved compared to that of a smoker's. Five years into the process, the possibility of having a stroke is also reduced until the succeeding years. For winning the battle against smoking for ten years, the lung cancer death rate is 50% lower that of a continuing smoker. Chances of having other cancers that can be caused by smoking like throat, mouth, and esophagus are also decreased. For a monumental 15 years of not smoking, the likelihood of having heart disease is now the same to that of a healthy, non-smoker individual!

If only a smoker would stop smoking and realize all these benefits that he could get, whatever discomforts that will be brought about by quitting won't be enough to discourage him from getting rid of this bad habit. As they say, if you have the strength and the will to stop, then it is an achievable goal.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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