
So you've decided to kick the habit? Excellent choice. Quitting is extremely difficult, but with a positive attitude you will be able to succeed. One thing to keep telling yourself is how much your health will improve after quitting, even in the first few hours. Here is a short list of some of the positive things that happen to your body within the first year of giving up cigarettes.

1. Twenty minutes after taking that last puff, your blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. The body temperature of your extremities also returns to normal.

2. After eight hours, the level of carbon monoxide in your system decreases to normal levels while oxygen increases back to normal.

3. After twenty-four hours, your chance of a sudden heart attack decreases.

4. After two days, nerve endings throughout the body begin to heal and regrow. Some amount of smell and taste begin to return.

5. Between two weeks and three months, your circulation will begin to improve and your lung function begins to get better as your lungs begin to heal the damage.

6. Between one and nine months, coughing and shortness of breath will decrease dramatically. You will find it is easier to breath because of less sinus congestion and notice that most of your senses are returning to normal.

7. After twelve months, your chance for heart disease is decreased to about half of that of a smoker. Lungs continue to heal and breathing becomes alot easier.

Now this is just the benefits after one year. Your health will continue to improve as your body naturally heals itself. Many people will gain weight during this time period, so they offset it with more exercise which of course is always good for you anyway.

Stay strong mentally and you should be able to give up the habit of smoking. Make your own list of ways in which your health has improved, and put it some place where you are constantly reminded of the benefits.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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